Sunday, December 16, 2007

A New Beginning

After many years of putting off creating my own blog, today I finally did it, without giving it much thought, as if on a whim. I guess it's because that article by Heinz Dietrich is the sort of thing that I would like to share with others and it occurred to me that a blog would be the perfect place to do it in. Creating the blog was certainly easy enough. I don't really know how often I will find things to share, and the time to do it, but it's worth getting it started and see what happens.

After all, for the last few months I have been enjoying reading other people's blogs and, mostly, RSS feeds (from newspapers, etc.). (I will eventually share those feeds here somehow.) Perhaps I can link here things I find in other blogs and feeds that I find especially interesting. I'm sure that wouldn't be too hard to do. Maybe somebody will even read them because they find them here. (Or am I just writing a diary to myself.)

By the way, I use Google Reader to consolidate the blogs that I want to keep track of. It works great (except that sometimes it makes Firefox crash). I just wish I had the time to keep up with all the posts that are published by those few blogs and RSS feeds.

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